• CRS728-2 - Flat Tapewire 50 Feet

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Other products by Creative Reproductions 2 Scale
Item #: CRS728-2
Reg. Price: $42.99
173 units available


50-foot roll of flat tape wire with a heavy mylar coating.  The tape wire has an adhesive backing that will adhere to most any surface. The two copper strips are colored black and copper for easy identification.  The width of the tape wire is 5/8th of an inch with a 1/2 inch from edge to edge of the copper strips.  This wire is capable of caring for up to 6 amps of current and is an excellent product for wiring your doll house.  Upon completion of application into your room box or dollhouse, it is recommended that you coat it with white shellac as a primer.  This will allow one to paint over the tape wire more easily.


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