• CRS701-1 - Power Connector

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Other products by Creative Reproductions 2 Scale
Item #: CRS701-1
Reg. Price: $9.99
198 units available


This simple junction connection makes a solid electrical connection from the power supply plug to your dollhouse or display and has the added protective feature of a fast blow fuse.  It comes with double stick tape on the back as well as a single screw to attach it to your house.  The fuse would be the same value as the power supply you use.  In other words:  If you purchase a 1-amp power supply, the fuse should be a 1-amp fuse.  It protects the power supply and acts like a circuit protector.   The 701-1 power connector is also able to be connected to the dollhouse by either flat tape or round wire.  Complete directions come with the connector.    Check out this video:  https://youtu.be/jdD-L7jmDpA


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