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Item #: CB2108
Reg. Price: $10.49
69 units available



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by Phyllis
on 2/11/2017
from Jersey, VA
Turned out GREAT
I put the "wood" pieces together and painted them with an acrylic pale peach paint. I then put Mod Podge Sheer Brown Transparent over it.  It gave it a nice aged look.  Before putting the actual sewing machine into the base, I used a silver fine tip paint pen and added the silver accents, as shown in the picture.  Tying some thread around the spool adds a cute bit of realism.  There is room to slide a thin piece of fabric under the needle to make it look as though the seamstress is still working on the garment.  A painted the top portion of the mannequin to match the sewing machine.  I left the bottom stand black to match with the black of the sewing machine.  I glued a bit of fabric to the top of the mannequin.   
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